Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Activity of daily living

Okay, so due to popular requests, I shall post. Yea, so I got a new cell phone. I had my old one for over 3 years. I actually got a new one because Nick had to have a rzor so he thought since I was due to get one he could get mine. Well, that did not work out because you can't get around the system. Or should I say, you can't get something for nothing. So I got a new one - not a rzor but whatever was free or cheapest. Well, it did not work so today I had to go back to the store and get another. Why is it that what should be fun and exciting turns into a bother and time consuming, traffic waiting, ordeal? So, I get a text message while in the store and couldn't figure out if I was getting a call or if the sales person had done something right - Eval when well...thought it must be the eval of the phone. Yea, so this is not deep and thought provoking just a provoking activity of our daily living.

1 comment:

Chris and Joy said...

See, that's all you have to do to mollify us... we just want to hear you talk. I mean, realistically, if I'm in the deepest darkest jungle of wherever even seemingly mundane travelogue will be a welcome touch of home-reality.
I'm coming downstairs in a sec to talk.